As with sole traders, contractors, and small business owners in other industries, roofing contractors who own and operate their own small business would benefit from developing their sales skills and entrepreneurial flair. After all, as a roofing contractor you will most likely be the main driver when it comes to promoting your roofing contractor business and your expertise as a roofing professional.

As an entrepreneur motivated to succeed with your own business, there’s every chance that you’ve already got some proactive sales experience under your belt. However it won’t hurt to revisit some of the basics – even if only to reenergise and reaffirm your commitment to succeeding as a small business roofing contractor.

So, let’s dive into six tips that will help roofing contractors just like you grow your business through increasing your sales success rate.

#1: Project confidence and professionalism at all times

A truly effective sales presentation is about so much more than merely providing the standard information regarding your products, what they do, and how much they cost.

Before you even start having a conversation with potential customers, ensure that everything you do contributes to you projecting utmost confidence and professionalism. When it comes to projecting of confidence, everything counts, from the clothes you wear to the mannerisms you use, to how you carry yourself.

So, dress accordingly, show up 10 minutes early, every time, and show respect for the client you are meeting. Be supremely organised – have all of your sales collateral neatly organised, presentable, and ready to show whether it be corporate brochures, video presentations, or case studies.

#2: Understand that educating is a big part of selling

Of course your end goal is leaving the client meeting with a signed contract, but you will enjoy better sales success if you understand that a key part of selling any product is to educate the prospective customer. It’s all about empowering them with the confidence needed to make the purchase.

Remain focused on the client and on carefully explaining to them how your roofing service can give their project what it needs. For example, if you’re dealing with a homeowner looking to renovate the roof on their home, during your sales discussion explain how the roofing process works. Carefully take them through what they can expect, the realistic timeframe for completing the job, and the value of quality workmanship you will deliver and the quality materials you will use.

#3: Differentiate your roofing business from the pack

One of the more effective roofing sales tips that a roofing contractor such as yourself can draw upon is to highlight what makes your company a better choice than other local roofers.

Whether you have put much thought to it or not, there is a unique value that you and only you can offer to your roofing customers. In marketing this is referred to as a unique selling point (USP) or a unique value proposition (UVP). It’s the ‘secret sauce’ to your business that no-one else can accurately copy. And when you can precisely articulate what sets you apart from your competitors, it can help you to differentiate your roofing business from the other roofing contractors you are competing with for new business. It may be:

  • the materials and suppliers you use;
  • your position as a roofing industry thought leader;
  • your truly competitive pricing;
  • the value-add services you provide free of charge;
  • your quick turnaround times; or
  • something entirely different.

Whatever you decide to make your UVP, narrow in on it and use it across all of your communications with customers.

#4: Pay attention to what your clients are telling you

If you are determined to attract more clients to your roofing business, a great way to make that happen can be to truly listen to your clients when they are discussing the priorities for their roof and home.

Of course, listening to your clients goes without saying in business, but you can go further by empathising with them and demonstrating through your language and your actions just how committed you are to helping them with their roofing replacement. This will help your customers feel like you really do care about helping them and aren’t merely concerned with getting paid.

#5: Build up a library of roofing referrals

When trying to secure the business of a new client, the only real thing you have to back up the claims about your roofing expertise and experience is your reputation. And referrals can be a great help here.

Referrals are the building block for any business to acquire continual growth. Nothing speaks louder to homeowners than the experience of previous customers that were under your care. Be sure to utilise these assets as you talk to the homeowner.

#6: Be down to earth and disarming

There’s something to be said for being genuine and ‘real’ when engaging with customers. If in interactions with potential new clients you can put them at ease

by being down to earth and disarming, it will go a long way to helping you secure their business.

This is because we are more likely to get along with people who allay our fears and put us at ease. And this is doubly important when dealing with new customers who are about to make a big investment. They are looking for valid reasons to trust you to deliver the roofing work that they want done.

One way you may be able to put new customers at ease is by giving them a little background regarding your history as a roofer, why you chose to start your own roofing business instead of working for someone else, and what principles you stand for as a business owner and a roofing expert. Show them how passionate you are about your trade and you will be on your way to building rapport that will help you secure their roofing work they need doing.

Professional roofing contractors will know well the risks that they may encounter throughout their working day. But business insurance such as insurance for roofing contractors*, also known as roofing contractor insurance, can help you to actively reduce your risk. Visit our dedicated insurance for roofing contractors page to learn more about roofing contractor insurance and get your free quotes.

This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording. © 2022 BizCover Pty Limited, Public Liability Australia is a business name of BizCover Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL 501769)